Conservação da água
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- Video
- Discussion after video
The questions that can be used to further discuss on the topic of water conservation are the following:
- What did you learn on this video that you want to share with someone else?
- Who will you share it with?
- What is water conservation about?
- Are you familiar with it?
- Why is water conservation important?
- How do you feel about it?
- How could you save water in your house or classroom?
- Are you used in water conservation?
- Is there anything you would like to learn more about this topic?
- Water Conservation
Target group: 10 to 14 years
Estimated time requirement: 2 hours
- Tools / Materials needed:
∙Wire, ∙Scissors, ∙White sheet, ∙Paint roller, ∙Old dish sponge, ∙Pencil/Stick/Tree Branch, ∙Green paint can, ∙Blue paint can, ∙Sheet of paper to cut in A7
- Preparation steps:
∙Lay the sheet on the floor and using the paint roller and green paint, draw squares in the shape of a snail, the first being the departure, the penultimate being the 15th and the last being the arrival.
∙Cut a square from the old dish sponge;
∙With the yellow part facing up, tie the string to the pencil/tree branch;
∙Using the brush you just created, draw the start, the numbers and the arrival using blue paint.
∙Think of 15 questions about the use of water in everyday life.
∙Cut the sheets of paper into 15 A7-sized cards.
∙Number these cards from 1 to 15 and write down questions about water use.
∙Questions to use in the game:
- Do you usually brush your teeth using a cup or do you use the faucet? Correct Answer: Cup
- Should you put a bottle of water inside the flusher? Correct Answer: Yes
- While you brush your teeth do you have the faucet running? Correct Answer: No
- Do you usually wash dishes by hand or in the machine? Correct Answer: Machine
- In your house, do you wash the car with buckets or a hose? Correct Answer: Buckets
- Do your parents water the garden during the hottest time of the day? Correct Answer: No
- In your house, do you only use the dishwasher and washing machines when they are full? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you take a bath or shower? Correct Answer: shower
- Do you take advantage of the bath water, reusing it for the toilet or to wash the floor? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you use the water from washing food to water the plants? Correct Answer: Yes
- Did you see the faucet dripping and did nothing? Correct Answer: I closed it
- Did you take a shower and turn off the faucet while soaping? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you always turn off the faucet while soaping your hands? Correct Answer: Yes
- Did you see that the flusher was losing water and you didn’t do anything? Correct Answer: I fixed it
- When you help wash the car, you turn off the faucet? Correct Answer: Yes
- In your house, do you only use the dishwasher and washing machines when they are full? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you take a bath or shower? Correct Answer: shower
- Do you take advantage of the bath water, reusing it for the toilet or to wash the floor? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you use the water from washing food to water the plants? Correct Answer: Yes
- Did you see the faucet dripping and did nothing? Correct Answer: I closed it
- Did you take a shower and turn off the faucet while soaping? Correct Answer: Yes
- Do you always turn off the faucet while soaping your hands? Correct Answer: Yes
- Did you see that the flusher was losing water and you didn’t do anything? Correct Answer: I fixed it
- When you help wash the car, you turn off the faucet? Correct Answer: Yes
Detailed description of the activity:
The activity can also take place on World Water Day, March 22, so that the impact of these issues is greater.
∙Divide the class into two groups.
∙Each group chooses a representative of the team who will play the role of pawn on the sheet.
∙The cards initially created must be shuffled.
∙Through the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, they decide who will be the first team to play (the pawns of each team will do it).
∙The aim of this game is to stay as close as possible to the starting point.
∙The two pawns must place themselves next to the sheet.
∙One member of the starting team must choose a card and read the question.
∙The answer given should be in line with common practice in your day-to-day life.
∙If it agrees with the correct answer, the pawn remains in the same place.
∙If the answer is incorrect, the pawn must advance one space.
∙The questions should be read by all group members, one at a time.
∙After reading the card, it goes down.
∙After all the elements of the group have read questions or if any of the pawns reach the finished square, the game ends.
∙The group closest to the start wins.
∙The prize could be a reusable bottle.
Card with instructions for students:
- Questions for reflections
- List how many times you turned on the faucet yesterday.
- Tell how many times you could have avoided turning on the tap and you didn’t.
- Do you think you follow the recommendations to save water?
- If yes, which actions and why is it easy to do them?
- If not, what actions and why is it difficult to do them?
- When asked to save water, do you feel limited?
- If yes, what specifically?
- Why is saving water, specifically in your home, so important?
- Why is saving water in general important in your community, your city and the world?
- After this activity and conversation, do you think you will be able to implement more and more water saving guidelines in your home? If not, why not?
- Personal plan: Write down what kind of activities you are going to implement in the next 7 days referring to save water. Do you think that you are going to face any difficulties? If yes, what kind and how are you going to address them?
- Potential barriers
Difficulties in answering more specific or complicated questions such as “When asked to save water, do you feel limited? Or “Why is saving water, specifically in your home, so important?”
- Additional activity ideas
Twice a week, students must record their changes in water saving actions. For each action, students will get 1 point. The three students with the most points at the end will receive a prize offered by the school. (e.g. reusable water bottle, recycled notebook)
- Free resources and recommended sites
World Water Day – Wikipedia
World Water Day – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
Tips to SAVE WATER – Let’s save the planet
Tips to SAVE WATER – Let’s save the planet – Environment for kids – YouTube
Water with metering bill
Águas do Algarve – The Water Challenge
Águas Sem Fronteiras – The water saving challenge (
Waters of the Tagus Atlantic – Game – let’s save water
Game 2 Save Water-22May (
How to make a brush out of an old sponge?
How to make a sponge brush – YouTube
Rock, Paper, Scissors game
Rock, paper, scissors – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
Grupo-alvo: 10 a 14 anos
Tempo estimado necessário: 1 semana
- Material necessário:
- Cartazes ou material de desenho para ilustrar o desafio
- Distribuição de panfletos ou folhetos sobre a conservação da água
- Papel e caneta para registar o consumo de água
- Copo medidor de água (opcional)
Grupo-alvo: 10 a 14 anos
Tempo estimado necessário: 1 semana
- Material necessário:
- Cartazes ou material de desenho para ilustrar o desafio
- Distribuição de panfletos ou folhetos sobre a conservação da água
- Papel e caneta para registar o consumo de água
- Copo medidor de água (opcional)
- Preparação da atividade:
- Planeie a atividade com antecedência, decidindo o que será feito em cada dia da semana.
- Prepare os materiais necessários e certifique-se de que existem em número suficiente para todos os alunos envolvidos.
- Fazer uma apresentação explicando o que é o desafio da semana da água, as suas regras, objectivos e a importância da conservação da água.
- Descrição pormenorizada da atividade:
Durante a semana, os alunos serão desafiados a poupar água nas suas actividades diárias, criando novos hábitos de consumo consciente. Em cada dia da semana, será proposto um desafio diferente e os alunos serão encorajados a registar o seu consumo de água numa tabela, anotando o volume de água utilizado em cada atividade. Serão atribuídos 5 pontos por cada atividade realizada. Os desafios diários podem incluir:
- Segunda-feira: Desafio do duche rápido: tomar duche em menos de 5 minutos.
- Terça-feira: Desafio “Feche a torneira”: lembre-se de fechar a torneira quando estiver a lavar os dentes.
- Quarta-feira: Plantar um jardim (ou uma planta num vaso) desafio: criar um pequeno jardim com plantas que não precisem de muita água (exemplo: suculentas).
- Quinta-feira: Desafio Beber Água: beber apenas água da torneira durante o dia.
- Sexta-feira: Recolher a água corrente: enquanto espera que a água do duche fique quente, coloque uma bacia ou um balde para recolher a água em vez de a desperdiçar no ralo. Mais tarde, pode reutilizá-lo para lavar pratos ou regar plantas.
Esta atividade é uma forma divertida e criativa de ensinar aos alunos a importância da conservação da água e de incentivar mudanças de comportamento para poupar água em casa.
No final, todos os resultados serão analisados e as três melhores pontuações serão premiadas com um certificado – “O Guardião da Água”
- Questões para reflexão:
- Como foi a experiência de participar no desafio da semana da água?
- O que é que aprendeu sobre a conservação da água durante esta atividade?
- Quais foram os maiores desafios que enfrentou durante a semana?
- Acha que poderia continuar a praticar algumas das actividades de desafio no seu dia a dia?
- Plano pessoal: Escreva o tipo de actividades que vai implementar nos próximos 7 dias relacionadas com a conservação da água. Acha que vai enfrentar alguma dificuldade? Em caso afirmativo, de que tipo e como é que as vai abordar?
- Potenciais obstáculos:
- Algumas crianças podem não ter acesso a todas as actividades propostas, como a plantação de um jardim.
- Alguns hábitos estabelecidos podem ser difíceis de quebrar, especialmente quando se trata de reduzir o tempo de banho.
- Algumas crianças podem necessitar de mais encorajamento ou orientação para participarem plenamente na atividade.
- Ideias para actividades adicionais:
- Organizar uma visita a uma estação de tratamento de água local para aprender mais sobre o processo de tratamento da água.
- Realizar investigação sobre a forma como a escassez de água afecta outras partes do mundo.
- Criar um mural com desenhos ou imagens relacionados com a conservação da água.
- Ver um documentário sobre a falta de água ou a importância da conservação
- Sítios Web recomendados:
- Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente:
- Apelo à proteção da natureza:
- Águas de Portugal:
- Agência Europeia do Ambiente:
- Comissão Europeia – Ambiente: